The Message of Daydreams
I’ve written this sentence before.
I conceived of it months ago.
The first sentence to a not-yet existing blog that I have already created in my mind.
I didn’t know what it would look like, or what the first words would be, but I knew I would write it.
The question was: When?
A year ago I thought,
‘I would like to create an online forum. A place for inspiration, for evolution, for people who are seeking out a different viewpoint to come and find a new way of looking at themselves, or the world.’ I wanted to share all of the amazing information I was discovering about health, happiness, and spiritual knowledge that seemed to be everywhere.
At the time I was enjoying a very good opportunity for my chosen profession. I was glad to have made what felt like clear progress after moving to a new city to pursue a wider variety of opportunity. But I knew there was something else calling.
I was beginning to meditate regularly for the first time. I felt like I was finding so much inspiration in everyday life because of the beautiful books I was reading. I felt something inside of me, which had always been there, begin to rise up more dominantly in my awareness, and I wanted to share.
There are so many incredible tools to be found from seeking spiritually. So many new perspectives, so much possibility. I was in the sweet spot of inspiration.
But I procrastinated.
I had time to work on my passion project, and could afford to do so, but I hesitated. ‘What if I’m not ready?’, I thought. I asked friends to help me build it, assuming I couldn’t bring my daydream to fruition alone, but it didn’t feel right.
Eventually I shelved the idea.
Yet I continued to daydream about all the things I would write about, all the ways I could find inspiration to share with others. I found myself daydreaming constantly, then chastising myself for not doing anything about it. I came up with reasons to wait, justifications for delay. Yet nothing would dissolve the continuous loop of this daydream, this person I was seeing.
At a certain point daydreaming without action becomes oppressive. The inspiration that calls to us from within becomes a nagging voice which we begin to resent unless we do something with that inspiration. Waiting for the “perfect time”, or the time when we feel “ready” never works out because those moments never come.
The truth is I had already become the person who eventually wrote this. He was there, waiting for me to start putting down words. It was simply a matter of when I chose to give him a voice.
There was a whole Self
in my awareness that I had kept hidden by not taking action based on the inspiration I felt. This Self is not ephemeral. I can see what the potential is.
I’ve decided it’s time to meet this person who exists my daydreams. To see how it might feel to be the writer, the inspired Self that I know is knocking on the door to my actions. Because I believe my daydreams are a letter from him. My daydreams are his way of saying, ‘I’m ready when you are’.
Who have you become?
What idea of yourself is floating around in your daydreams, ready to emerge into your life? What is calling you?
There is something in each of us wanting to flow freely
out into the world. You may be a songwriter who has created your first album, yet you’re afraid that you just aren’t good enough to “make it”. Or maybe you’re a lawyer who has an incredible idea for your first novel, and you just can’t seem to get started. You may be a grocery clerk who daydreams about becoming an acupuncturist, or a house painter who daydreams about sculpting wood.
There is a message in your daydreams.
A Self that lives within you, ready to bring excitement, inspiration, and joy into your life. I firmly believe that we are all meant to experience the truth of the inspired Self. The Self which we first conceive of in our minds, through what we usually call ‘daydreams’. I believe that you would not dream a daydream that is impossible for you to achieve. And that, with some honesty, we all know exactly who that person is that is calling to us.
What would happen if you listened to that other Self,
who sends you messages about what life will be one day when you decide to give it a shot? Without procrastination, without doubt, just a clear understanding of who you have become based on what you are inspired to be.
Some changes may be necessary, but they don’t have to be drastic. Just imagine the relief you will feel when you wake up in the morning knowing that you have acknowledged the Self you have become; the calm of turning that old nagging voice into a loving companion who will guide you toward the joy you know you are meant to feel every day.
What is the message you are giving yourself? Will you listen?
Much love.