Why Recycling is Not the Answer to Cleaning Up Our Plastic Problem
Plastic is a problem, but it doesn’t have to be.
Instead of more animals, let’s make ocean plastic go extinct. Every minute, the equivalent of ONE GARBAGE TRUCK full of plastic enters the oceans. And currently ONLY 9% of plastic is ever recycled. Single-use plastic is a problem, but we can change that. Join us for a conversation with Emma Rose Cohen, CEO and founder of FinalStraw – the world’s first collapsible, reusable metal straw. Emma takes us through the plastic problem, what has created it, and how to stop plastic pollution in its tracks. Save the oceans: the sea turtles, dolphins, beach dwellers, and mermaids will thank you. Click here for a free plastics guide download we created with FinalStraw!
What you can do today
Visit FinalStraw at their website, and consider buying your very own reusable straw!
Follow FinalStraw on Instagram
Download our free plastic guide that we created in collaboration with FinalStraw, and share with everyone you know to increase awareness of this growing problem
Purchase a reusable straw, reusable bag, reusable coffee cup, and reusable cutlery, and do your best never to accept another disposable version of any of these 4 major culprits
National Geographic’s article on lesser-known plastic facts
National Geographic’s article on how little of our plastic is actually recycled
Columbia University’s article on Germany’s landfill problem, and how they solved it
An article straight from the horse’s mouth: Germany’s waste management system from their own internal organizations
Plastic by the numbers guide from EarthEasy
Enough Plastic Already
our conversation with Emma Rose Cohen, CEO and founder of FinalStraw