The Business Model That's Transforming Capitalism Around the World


Cooperative capitalism, and a new type of economy

Greed does not have to be the status quo. Businesses CAN be good for people, good for the planet, and good for communities. We’ve gotten used to the idea that companies only care about profit – we even expect it. But there is another way. Join us for our conversation with Ann Herpel of the Park Slope Food Coop, a massively successful COOPERATIVE business in New York City that puts people and the environment first and profit second. Ann tells us the story of the Park Slope Food Coop and how it's become a global model for other cooperative businesses in cities like Paris and Berlin. We dig into cooperative corporations – something they won’t teach you about in business school. Cooperative businesses can be wildly successful and are often built by communities who agree on a shared set of values which benefit owners, shoppers, and locals all at once. Tune in for a fascinating NEW look at business and what it could be and do in the world.

What you can do today

  • Search online for your local food co-op, and consider joining

  • Check out the Park Slope Food Coop website if you’re curious about how it works

  • Consider organizing a screening of Food Coop, a documentary film about the Park Slope Food Coop, and the work it has done to sponsor a Paris sister co-op, Le Louve

  • Check out the resources below to learn more about how co-ops operate, what their values are, how they impact local and global economies, and more



Good Big Business: Park Slope Food Coop

Our conversation with Ann Herpel, general coordinator of the Park Slope Food Coop

Nathan Gardner